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Canterbury Public Library

29 December 1981

Exterior of the Canterbury Public Library on the corner of ...

Canterbury Public Library

1 August 1984

Exterior of the Canterbury Public Library on the corner of ...

Canterbury Public Library

1 August 1984

Exterior of the Canterbury Public Library on the corner of ...

Canterbury Public Library

7 January 1982

Exterior of the Canterbury Public Library as seen from Cambridge ...

Clearing weeds on the Heathcote River

19 June 1940

A boat clearing the weeds from the Heathcote River looking ...

Coffer dam on the Heathcote River

13 September 1962

View of a coffer dam being built on the Heathcote River.

Collapsing banks along the Heathcote River

18 September 1990

Barbara Anderson, a Woolston resident, at the Radley Street ...

Heathcote River flooded

29 September 1980

Flooding of the Heathcote River on Clarendon Terrace.

Heathcote River bridge

11 April 1961

View of the bridge over the Heathcote River estuary under low ...

Waimakariri Gorge

12 January 1978

View of Waimakariri Gorge.

Waimakariri Gorge and bridge

7 January 1978

A car parked beside the river at Waimakariri Gorge.

Willow groyne in the Waimakariri River

5 April 1946

Workers laying a willow end groyne on the Waimakariri River.

Shingle pile beside the Waimakariri River

14 December 1957

A pile of shingle on the edge of the Waimakariri River.

Aerial view of the Waimakariri River

19 December 1941

Aerial view of a section of the Waimakariri River.

Old Waimakariri River bridges

17 November 1967

The old railway and road bridges across the Waimakariri River.

Flooded Waimakariri River

14 May 1964

The Waimakariri River during a flood, with the two bridges ...

Waimakariri Gorge

22 December 1977

A jet boat and Waimakariri Gorge bridge.

Bridges over the Waimakariri River

21 April 1958

Railway and road bridge over the Waimakariri River.

School holidays at the Groynes

26 January 1980

A group of friends at the Groynes. Pictured, from front to back, ...

Suspension bridge at the Groynes

26 January 1980

Terry Creach, aged 11, canoeing in a branch of the Waimakariri ...

Swimming at the Groynes

26 January 1980

A group of adults and children swimming in a branch of the ...

Impression of the Mill Island water wheel

4 April 1997

Computer generated impression of the Mill Island water wheel ...

Antigua Weir on the Avon River

4 April 1997

Antigua weir on the Avon River with the Antigua Boatsheds and ...

View from the Avon River of the Town Hall construction

5 August 1972

The construction of the Town Hall restaurant as seen from across ...

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