Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Godley Statue

Cathedral Square
July 1899
The Godley statue is shown surrounded by lawn and cabbage trees and an elegant wrought iron fence. Some of the buildings in the background, shown from Worcester Street on the left, are the AMP building, Fletcher Humphries building, the Clark building and the original Government Life Insurance building. A tram advertising the department store of W. Strange & Co. is travelling through the Square and a hansom cab waits at the door of the Cathedral
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Source: The weekly press, 5 July 1899, p. 52
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD06-0019
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
The Godley statue, Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Circa 1870
Possibly the first commemorative sculpture in New Zealand, the statue was executed by the Englishman Thomas Woolner (1825-1892). The statue was cast in bronze at Coalbrookdale Foundry, Shropshire, and was exhibited at the South Kensington Museum (later, Victoria and Albert Museum) in London before being sent to Christchurch. William Brassington had been instructed to make a plinth out of Hoon Hay stone. However, the dimensions were incorrect and there was a delay of nine months while another plinth was made. On 8 Aug. 1867 the Christchurch magistrate, Charles Bowen, who had once been Godley's secretary, unveiled the statue before a 2000-strong crowd. The statue remained in front of the Cathedral until 5 Mar. 1918 when it was moved to the north of the Cathedral to make way for a tram shelter and toilets. These facilities were later demolished and the statue returned to its original position in 1933.
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD05-0096
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
John Robert Godley statue, Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Woolner's fine statue of Robert Godley, which stands in the Cathedral grounds, represents the pioneer colonist waiting to welcome the 'Pilgrims' to Lyttelton
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD17-0014
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Topiary animals in Square:Festival of Flowers 2011
Topiary animals, deer and elephant,in Square:Festival of Flowers 2011
Creator: CathWh
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Contributor: CathWh
Source: Kete Christchurch
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Reference ID: CCL-Kete-13259
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
The statue of John Robert Godley, Cathedral Square
Circa 1930
Possibly the first commemorative sculpture in New Zealand, the statue was executed by the Englishman Thomas Woolner (1825-1892). The statue was cast in bronze at Coalbrookdale Foundry, Shropshire, and was exhibited at the South Kensington Museum (later, Victoria and Albert Museum) in London before being sent to Christchurch. William Brassington had been instructed to make a plinth out of Hoon Hay stone. However, the dimensions were incorrect and there was a delay of nine months while another plinth was made. On 8 August 1867 the Christchurch magistrate, Charles Bowen, who had once been Godley's secretary, unveiled the statue before a 2000-strong crowd. The statue remained in Cathedral Square until 5 March 1918 when it was removed to make way for a tram shelter and toilets. These facilities were later demolished and the statue returned to its original position in 1933.
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Source: The city beautiful : official organ of the Christchurch Beautifying Association, v. 10, no. 12, p. 20
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD08-0022
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Circa 1920
Creator: Radcliffe, Frederick George, 1863-1923
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD03-0014
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Godley Statue gets a clean
5 September 2018
Worker cleans statue of John Robert Godley in Cathedral Square.
Creator: Mo-mo
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Reference ID: CCL-DW-59581
Uploaded by: Mo-mo
Copyright status: In copyright
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License
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John Robert Godley statue
16 December 1946
Statue of John Robert Godley in Cathedral Square.
Creator: Christchurch Star
Area: Central City / Cathedral Square
Source: Christchurch Star Archive
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Reference ID: CCL-StarP-03176A
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Christchurch Star.
Reuse license: Contact me
Permission for commercial reuse must be sought from the Christchurch Star.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
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