I want to be in the spotlight!

I want to be in the spotlight!

I want to be in the spotlight!

I want to be in the spotlight!

I want to be in the spotlight!

I want to be in the spotlight!

Stanley McKay's Gaieties of 1936 outside St James' Theatre
This was an international vaudeville and revue company from Australia which performed at the St. James' Theatre (formerly Fuller's Opera House), Tuam Street, Christchurch. The troupe, which consisted of ballet dancers, comedians, singers, acrobats and performing dogs, is pictured outside the theatre
Creator: McKaskell, William C.
Area: Central City / Central Christchurch - South
Source: Archive 757
Reference ID: CCL-KPCD08-0015
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Hillmorton High School Stage Challenge practice
14 May 2015
Students at Hillmorton High School in costume in the school hall during Stage Challenge practice.
Creator: Nicholas Glen
Area: South West / Halswell
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Related: The Halswell Project 2015.
Reference ID: CCL-HP2015-NG-IMG-4067
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Nicholas Glen
Reuse license: Contact me
Material in copyright; permission for reuse must be sought from the creator of the photographs, Nicholas Glen.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Fire play practice, North New Brighton
Friday, 6 May 2016
Lizzie practising fire play for her new show, in the garden at her house in Fleming Street, North New Brighton. Lizzie and Dave are the duo behind Rollicking Entertainment and have several touring shows, including the Dunstan Creek Séance, Mr and Mrs Alexander, and their new show, Seven Deadly Stunts.
Creator: Rachel Pugh
Area: East / New Brighton
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Related: The Edge of the East 2016.
Reference ID: CCL-EE2016-RP-IMG-0025
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Rachel Pugh
Reuse license: Contact me
Material in copyright; permission for reuse must be sought from the creator of the photographs, Rachel Pugh.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Hillmorton High School Stage Challenge practice
14 May 2015
Students at Hillmorton High School in costume in the school hall during Stage Challenge practice.
Creator: Nicholas Glen
Area: South West / Halswell
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Related: The Halswell Project 2015.
Reference ID: CCL-HP2015-NG-IMG-4072
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Nicholas Glen
Reuse license: Contact me
Material in copyright; permission for reuse must be sought from the creator of the photographs, Nicholas Glen.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Puppet show at the Arts Festival
17 March 1980
A group of girls from Aranui High School in costume performing a puppet show to a group of children at the Arts Festival in the Botanic Gardens. Girls are, from left, Kari McCormick, Victoria Lennox and Dedrie Morris.
Creator: Christchurch Star
Area: West / Hagley Park
Source: Christchurch Star Archive
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Reference ID: CCL-StarP-01124A
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Christchurch Star.
Reuse license: Contact me
Permission for commercial reuse must be sought from the Christchurch Star.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Circus demonstration at New Brighton Catholic School
Friday, 13 May 2016
A performer showing a group of students how to plate spin as part of a circus demonstration at the New Brighton Catholic School, South New Brighton.
Creator: Rachel Pugh
Area: East / New Brighton
Source: The Edge of the East project was a collaboration in 2016 between Christchurch City Libraries and the University of Canterbury, School of Fine Arts to create a documentary photographic record of the people and the physical and social environment of the s
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Related: The Edge of the East 2016.
Reference ID: CCL-EE2016-RP-IMG-9579
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Copyright Rachel Pugh
Reuse license: Contact me
Material in copyright; permission for reuse must be sought from the creator of the photographs, Rachel Pugh.
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
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