

22 February 2019
Poupou in Victoria Square lit up at night.
The poupou is the work of Christchurch master carver Riki Manuel and was created from a totara trunk given by a West Coast farmer. The six metre high Māori carving in Victoria Square was unveiled in December 1994. The poupou was initiated by the Christchurch City Council in conjunction with the Ngāi Tahu Trust Board as a "1990 project" commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The poupou represents all inhabitants of the Christchurch region, their tipuna (ancestors) and their resources. The location of the poupou also relates to the old Pūari Pa site, their mahinga kai (food resources), and the collection and conservation of these resources.
Creator: Sarelle
Area: Central City / Central Christchurch - North
Contributor: Sarelle
Source: View in canterburystories.nz
Reference ID: CCL-DW-71291
Uploaded by: Sarelle
Copyright status: In copyright
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License
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Poupou at Market Square
circa 2000
A special poupou or pou pou was commissioned for the site as part of the 1990 commemorations of the signing of The Treaty of Waitangi. The six metre high poupou was erected on the banks of Ōtākaro in 1994. Carved from a giant trunk of totara, it was crafted by local artist and master carver Riki Manuel. The poupou is rich in symbolism, its main themes being mahinga kai (food resources) and depictions of tipuna (ancestors) of the Ngāi Tahu / Waitaha people.
Creator: Helen Brown
Area: Central City / Central Christchurch - North
Related: View more in Te Kouka Whenua
Reference ID: CCL-TKW-PoupouMS
Uploaded by: Christchurch City Libraries
Copyright status: In copyright
Reuse license: Contact me
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
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