Depression Era

Depression Era

Depression Era

Depression Era

Depression Era

Man and woman with a cow
An unidentified man and woman standing with a cow in Opawa. An unidentified boy is visible on right.
Contributor's note: "My grandmother and grandfather with one of the cows they had for milking, on the bit of land they rented out at the end of Butler Street, in Opawa. They had cows, chickens and a big vege garden and my grandfather killed rabbits when he could. They brought up 4 children and my mother said they were never hungry."
Area: South East / Opawa
Source: Entry in the 2013 Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt
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Reference ID: CCL-PH13-416
Uploaded by: CCL Photo Hunt
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Boy with a calf
About 1925
An unidentified boy with his arm around a calf.
Contributor's note: "One of my mothers brothers during the Depression. The family lived at what was the end of Butler Street in Opawa where they rented some land. There was enough room for a few cows which the boys had to milk before school. I remember Mum telling me that the family could never afford new boots, the boy in the background is barefoot."
Area: South East / Opawa
Contributor: Diane Bargas
Source: Entry in the 2013 Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt
Source: View in
Reference ID: CCL-PH13-417
Uploaded by: CCL Photo Hunt
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Tightrope walker in Thorpe's paddock
About 1935
Tightrope walker in Thorpe's paddock on Gayhurst Road in Dallington.
Contributor's note: "I can remember seeing his gear lying on the ground. It was depression years & I understand that not many paid to get in but a lot saw him over the fence at a distance. I think he may also have performed in an empty section opposite the old railway station on a site used by circuses."
Area: North East / Dallington
Source: Entry in the 2013 Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt
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Reference ID: CCL-PH13-157
Uploaded by: CCL Photo Hunt
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Albert, Eva and Olive, 1934
This photograph was taken in Christchurch in 1934 of my brother Albert, myself and sister Olive. Albert Sprott, born 1932; Eva Sprott, born 1933; and Olive Aitken (nee Sprott), born 1931. Second photograph shows the three of them 80 years later in 2014.
Area: Other / Unknown
Contributor: Eva Sprott
Source: Entry in the 2016 Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt
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Reference ID: CCL-PH16-092
Uploaded by: CCL Photo Hunt
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
Peter and Barrie Jackson
Might be late 1930s, not sure. My grandfather and his brother - Peter and Barrie Jackson at their house in New Brighton.
Area: East / New Brighton
Contributor: Gemma Jackson
Source: Entry in the 2016 Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt
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Reference ID: CCL-PH16-GeJa-02
Uploaded by: CCL Photo Hunt
Copyright status: Out of copyright
This material has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Please contact Christchurch City Libraries if you have any questions relating to the use of this material or wish to order a hi resolution copy for commercial purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.
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