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 1177 - 1200 of 3437 Search results

Grubb Cottage, Lyttelton

19 October 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, after repair and restoration.

Grubb Cottage, Lyttelton

19 October 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, after repair and restoration.

Repairs underway at Grubb Cottage

28 July 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Grubb Cottage under repair

28 July 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Grubb Cottage stabilisation and restoration project sign

28 July 2010

Grubb Cottage stabilisation and restoration project sign with ...

Grubb Cottage under repair

28 July 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair. Seen from London ...

Grubb Cottage stabilisation and restoration project sign

28 July 2010

Sign for Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, stabilisation and ...

Grubb Cottage under repair

28 July 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Grubb Cottage under repair

6 August 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Grubb Cottage under repair

6 August 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Grubb Cottage under repair

6 August 2010

Grubb Cottage, 62 London Street, under repair.

Kate Sheppard National Memorial

6 March 2013

The Kate Sheppard National Memorial is a large cast bronze ...

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

6 March 2013

Kate Sheppard National Memorial, detail of left panel.

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

6 March 2013

Kate Sheppard National Memorial, detail of right panel.

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

24 August 2010

Kate Sheppard National Memorial, detail of top left panel of ...

White Camellia at Kate Sheppard National Memorial

24 August 2010

White Camellia at Kate Sheppard National Memorial.
Women's ...

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

24 August 2010

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

24 August 2010

Detail on the Kate Sheppard National Memorial of left text ...

Kate Sheppard National Memorial (Detail)

24 August 2010

Plaque on the Kate Sheppard National Memorial

Kate Sheppard National Memorial

19 September 2014

The Kate Sheppard National Memorial is a large cast bronze ...

Kate Sheppard National Memorial

19 September 2014

The Kate Sheppard National Memorial is a large cast bronze ...

Kate Sheppard National Memorial

19 September 2014

The Kate Sheppard National Memorial is a large cast bronze ...

Kate Sheppard Lifecare Centre

3 September 2011

Kate Sheppard Lifecare Centre retirement village, 417 New ...

Love wins

March 2019

Flowers on Rolleston Avenue.

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