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Billie Palliser posing with a tennis racquet
Billie Palliser posing for a photo on the lawn of her Innes Road ...
Ladies posing for a photo in front of the Main Wharf at Akaroa
Ladies posing for a photo in the 1950s in front of the Main ...
Bridesmaids, Janet and Celia
Portrait of bridesmaids, Janet and Celia at the wedding of John ...
Portrait of children with fish
About 1955
Portrait of Andy and Sue kneeling beside a Victor Velox car, ...
Day out at the beach
1952 to 1953
Sisters, Margaret and Coleen Bearman at Woodend beach. Margaret ...
Telegram messenger, Margaret Bearman
26 June 1958
Portrait of telegram messenger, Margaret Bearman. She is holding ...
Portrait of Margaret Bearman and Barbara Dymock
Portrait of telegram messengers, Margaret Bearman and Barbara ...
Elephants in Addington
Possibly 1950 to possibly 1969
Two elephants walking down Harman Street in Addington. They are ...
Army Cadet at Latimer Square
Contributor's Note: "My husband (David Gibson) biking home from ...
At the 80th Jubilee of Harewood School
Front: Ethel Clarke (former pupil and teacher trainee at ...
The Union Methodist business Girls Sports Team, Lancaster Park
Uniforms were made by Ray Milliners in New Regent Street. 15 ...
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